
Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra: Personality Traits, Education, Career, Family Life, Married Life and Negative Traits

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Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra comes in 25th place out of the 27 constellations present in the solar system. The Lord of this Nakshatra is Jupiter. People born in the first three phases of this Nakshatra have Aquarius as their zodiac sign, whose Lord is the planet Saturn, and those born in the last phase of this Nakshatra have zodiac sign Pisces, whose Lord is Jupiter. Thus, people born in this Nakshatra are affected by Jupiter and Saturn throughout their life. People born in the last phase of Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra are believed to get special blessings from Guru i.e. Jupiter.

Let’s know how people born in Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra are and what are their positive and negative qualities.

Personality of People Born in Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra

People born in Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra can have two types of personalities. One aspect is very civilized, cultured and humble, while on the other hand, they can be violent and destructive at times. Generally, most of the people of this Nakshatra are peace-loving, intelligent and live a simple life. They hold great faith in God and do not panic in any kind of difficult situation. These people are known to find out solutions to the most difficult situations. They have medium height and have charming personalities.

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Education and Career of People Born in Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra

People born in Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra have a good education and rise high in their careers. These people have a special interest in literature subjects. Some of them might also be interested in subjects like history, psychology, astrology etc. Such people prefer to do a job rather than start their own business. They are very hardworking and sincere in their workplace and also earn highly. They can make good careers in teaching, writing, astrology, politics, the military or as a psychoanalyst.

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Family and Married Life 

The family life of people born in Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra is good. These people have great love and affection for their family members. They have a good rapport with their father, but they may have conflicts of interest with their mother. They generally move away from their family due to jobs or business. Their married life is blissful. Their spouse is very understanding, mature and dutiful. These people may face issues with their spouses due to their anger. Otherwise, they have a peaceful and sorted life.

Lifestyle of People Born in Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra

People born in Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra never face any shortage of money in their life. They often reach higher positions in their job due to which they’re able to give a comfortable lifestyle to their family. These people are also considered lucky since the Lord of this Nakshatra is Guru i.e. Jupiter. They have a good standard of living, they eat good healthy food, have a good house for themselves and their family and often wear good clothes. They’re blessed to be able to afford a good lifestyle for themselves and their family.

Negative Traits 

People born in this nakshatra sometimes become very lazy after having financial prosperity due to which they might lose money in sluggishness. Their anger is their drawback which makes them violent at times. They may commit some acts which would make them repent for a lifetime. These people are often hesitant to speak what’s in their minds in front of others. That leads to frustration and eventual burst out when their saturation point is reached. If the position of Jupiter and Saturn in their horoscope is not good, then they might face problems in their education, job, business etc. 

Precautionary Measures for People Born in Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra

People born in this nakshatra should always try to control their anger because their anger and aggression may spoil good things in their life. They should get rid of the malefic effects of Jupiter and Saturn from their horoscope through various Nivaran Pujas. Worshipping Lord Vishnu and Shani Dev on Thursday and Saturday is very beneficial for these people. They should also worship Lord Shiva and should plant mango trees. Donating clothes to the poor and needy is also considered beneficial for such people.

You can also perform Satyanarayan Puja to please Lord Vishnu

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